Saturday, September 5, 2009

Striations from Strife?

So I’ve been going through some major turmoil in my life, stuff so hard that it’s caused me to lose sleep, lose appetite, lose sex drive, lose passion for pretty much everything. I lost ten pounds within two weeks.

Not intentional.

Now, any person who knows about fitness would say that this quick loss of weight due to lack of eating is cannibalized muscle. And they would be right. In times of strife and starvation, we’re much more likely to break down our muscle before we break down fat. Our bodies are too efficient. It wants to hold onto that fat AS LONG AS POSSIBLE, in case, you know, we have to wait out an Ice Age or something.

So, knowing this, and not really being able to stomach food because everything from my throat to my stomach feels like a vise is gripping it—I call this the Crush of the Red Velvet Glove. That’s the image I have for it.

Anyway, I figured I don’t want to destroy hard-earned muscle in the gym, which would also leave me weaker, more fatigued, with a slower metabolism, and more prone to injury. So I cooked up this little recipe. Some will think it’s disgusting. And I guess it could be, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

I made this drink that combines egg whites, a low-sugar juice, L-glutamine powder, and creatine. This is my anti-catabolic drink. I also eat a handful of almonds every now and then just to try and add some daily calories. Hopefully soon, this personal strife will be resolved and I can resume a normal, healthy diet with an unaffected appetite.

So, here’s the breakdown. The egg whites are pure, fat-free protein, suitable for building and maintaining muscle, L-glutamine is an amino acid that your body produces, but extra in your system prevents your body from breaking it down from your muscles for nutrition. Next, a little creatine and then some juice to assist with the absorption of the materials into the muscles. Here are the ratios.

In a drinking glass, add:

• ½ or 1 cup of liquid egg whites
• ½ cup of low-sugar juice like apple (Trader Joe’s Carrot Juice is really good!)
• ½ teaspoon of creatine
• 1 teaspoon of L-glutamine

Mix the ingredients briskly with a fork and then drink. I gulp the whole thing down, I couldn’t imagine sipping it.

Anyway, I’ve noticed that I have more definition in my muscles than before, including some striations appearing on my shoulders. So that means that I’m losing fat over muscle. Obviously, this combo, along with the almonds, seems to be working. Typically, I drink this mixture twice a day, usually upon waking and once more in the afternoon.

I may use this when I can eat normally again, too. I’ll keep you posted on the results.

NOTE: When using creatine, I would recommend consuming at least 16 ounces of water. Creatine forces water into your muscles and it's better that the water is from an external source than from pulling it from your kidneys, which can be very hard on your body.

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