Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Burn Fat Faster: 10 Easy Steps

1. Eat 4-6 small meals per day. Spread your calories out evenly during the day to help keep your metabolism moving and your energy levels naturally high. Try to target balancing each meal so that they contain roughly the same amount of calories. Meal replacement shakes and nutrition bars are an easy way to supplement up to 3 meals per day.

2. Balance each meal with protein, carbs and fat. By providing reasonable amounts of these three essential nutrients at each meal, your body will have the fuel it needs to run at an optimum level. Balancing the nutritional make-up of your meals also helps prevent the storage of body fat.

· Preferred sources of protein: fish, lean meat, chicken, eggs, turkey, lean pork, protein powders.
· Preferred sources of carbohydrates: fruit, vegetables, beans, whole grains.
· Preferred sources of fats: olive oil, nuts, fish oils, canola oil.

3. Choose the right carbohydrates. When constructing your meals, select complex carbohydrates that are “colorful” and high in fiber (like fruits, vegetables, beans and nuts). Try to avoid highly processed carbohydrates like pasta, bagels, crackers, chips, soda and candy. Highly processed carbs have little nutritional value and can easily be stored as body fat. If it’s a carbohydrate and it comes in a bag or a box, you should be suspect.

4. Don’t forget completely about the fat. Despite the hype in the 80’s and 90’s, fat IS an important part of everyone’s diet and is necessary for fat loss. It may sound strange but it is the reality. One benefit is that fat is slow to digest so it makes you feel full and thus you eat less. Fat also helps in proper digestion of carbs and protein; without it your body cannot process food efficiently. The key is to select foods that are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These include salmon, mackerel, almonds, walnuts, olive and canola oils. 

5. Eat until you are no longer hungry, not until you are stuffed full. A common mistake people make in their everyday eating habits is that they just eat too much. They eat until they are literally bursting at the waistline. You don’t need to be stuffed at every meal, or eat every bite . . . despite what your mom told you, it is ok to leave food on your plate. Even better, don’t put so much on your plate in the first place. Keep your portion sizes under control If you find yourself eating for no reason, or you just can’t stop, you are probably eating to fill a void in your life, as many people do. Taking some time to evaluate the areas of your life that are making you unhappy may help. Food is not the answer, and overeating always results in feeling worse. 

6. Don’t cut your calories too low. Drastic calorie cutting attempts usually result in failure. If you are looking for lasting results and not just a quick fix, then your best bet is to aim for about 2/3 of your “normal” caloric, or food, intake. Putting your body into starvation mode will ultimately derail your weight loss attempts. Your body will fight back by trying to hold onto your fat even more tightly! Slow and steady wins the weight loss war.

7. Give yourself one, and just one, splurge day per week. If you are eating “clean” 6 days a week, you deserve a splurge day. Pick one day per week and save up all your cravings for that special day. Make a chocolate dessert, or have some extra pasta with dinner. Whatever it is, after 6 days of keeping your diet in order and keeping focused on your ultimate goal, you not only deserve a day of eating some of your favorite foods, but your body can also completely handle it. 

Remember, you cannot gain a significant amount of body fat in just one day. It takes months, in most cases, years of poor eating to add that weight. One splurge day a week is acceptable and even helpful; just make sure when the next day comes around, you get back in the saddle again and get ready for 6 more days of good clean eating and weight loss progress.

8. Get your body moving with exercise. You will not reach your fat loss goals without getting your body in motion. Exercise helps you burn calories more efficiently, improves blood circulation to all parts of your body (including your brain), helps your skin stay young looking, and even improves bone strength. Just 3 or 4 workouts per week is enough to get some truly life-changing benefits from exercise.

There are so many types of activities you can participate in. There’s no excuse. Weight training exercises are great for both men and women to build muscle strength. The more muscle your body has, the more calories it burns per day. Cardiovascular exercise is a great way to get your blood pumpin’ and your energy levels high. And you can do some of your exercise outdoors and breath in some of that fresh air too!

9. Drink plenty of water. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day is essential for fat loss. Water helps your digestion, helps you feel energized, gives you a feeling of fullness and keeps you looking young. In addition, water seems to act as a natural appetite suppressant. In fact, people on diets who do not increase their water intake will find themselves feeling “hungry” much more often and more severely than those who do up their water consumption. One possible reason for this is that dieters are getting less water from their food, because they’re eating less food, so the body is actually craving fluid. These cravings can be significantly curbed with increased water intake. 

10. Supplement wisely. The JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) now recommends a multi vitamin/mineral complex for all healthy adults. Also, a quality weight loss supplement may aid in your efforts and help you finally get rid of that unwanted fat. (Note: weight loss supplements work well only in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise program).

Source: global-nutrition-inc.com

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Striations from Strife?

So I’ve been going through some major turmoil in my life, stuff so hard that it’s caused me to lose sleep, lose appetite, lose sex drive, lose passion for pretty much everything. I lost ten pounds within two weeks.

Not intentional.

Now, any person who knows about fitness would say that this quick loss of weight due to lack of eating is cannibalized muscle. And they would be right. In times of strife and starvation, we’re much more likely to break down our muscle before we break down fat. Our bodies are too efficient. It wants to hold onto that fat AS LONG AS POSSIBLE, in case, you know, we have to wait out an Ice Age or something.

So, knowing this, and not really being able to stomach food because everything from my throat to my stomach feels like a vise is gripping it—I call this the Crush of the Red Velvet Glove. That’s the image I have for it.

Anyway, I figured I don’t want to destroy hard-earned muscle in the gym, which would also leave me weaker, more fatigued, with a slower metabolism, and more prone to injury. So I cooked up this little recipe. Some will think it’s disgusting. And I guess it could be, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

I made this drink that combines egg whites, a low-sugar juice, L-glutamine powder, and creatine. This is my anti-catabolic drink. I also eat a handful of almonds every now and then just to try and add some daily calories. Hopefully soon, this personal strife will be resolved and I can resume a normal, healthy diet with an unaffected appetite.

So, here’s the breakdown. The egg whites are pure, fat-free protein, suitable for building and maintaining muscle, L-glutamine is an amino acid that your body produces, but extra in your system prevents your body from breaking it down from your muscles for nutrition. Next, a little creatine and then some juice to assist with the absorption of the materials into the muscles. Here are the ratios.

In a drinking glass, add:

• ½ or 1 cup of liquid egg whites
• ½ cup of low-sugar juice like apple (Trader Joe’s Carrot Juice is really good!)
• ½ teaspoon of creatine
• 1 teaspoon of L-glutamine

Mix the ingredients briskly with a fork and then drink. I gulp the whole thing down, I couldn’t imagine sipping it.

Anyway, I’ve noticed that I have more definition in my muscles than before, including some striations appearing on my shoulders. So that means that I’m losing fat over muscle. Obviously, this combo, along with the almonds, seems to be working. Typically, I drink this mixture twice a day, usually upon waking and once more in the afternoon.

I may use this when I can eat normally again, too. I’ll keep you posted on the results.

NOTE: When using creatine, I would recommend consuming at least 16 ounces of water. Creatine forces water into your muscles and it's better that the water is from an external source than from pulling it from your kidneys, which can be very hard on your body.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Burn 700 Calories in 30 Minutes!

That's what my treadmill tells me that I've burned when I perform this specific workout. I'm 42-years-old at 215 pounds, so obviously results vary.

But I guarantee that you will be burning and sweating long after you take your post-workout shower. And that's a good thing, as it means that your body is eating fat and your metabolic thermostat is turned up on high. This workout will also boost your HGH levels, an added bonus.

This is an intermediate to advanced exercise, so if you're a beginning runner, I would not attempt it. Always check with a doctor before beginning any intense exercise program.

Using the Tabata principle of 20 seconds working out followed by 10 seconds rest, here's how the workout breaks down. You will also need a treadmill in order to adjust the incline gradient.
*Note: My treadmill only inclines to 12%. Many commercial ones found in gyms incline to 15%. Incline to the highest point the treadmill goes before reducing the gradient.

Minute 1.0: 20 on/10 off - 0.0% incline
Minute 1.5:
20 on/10 off - 0.5% incline
Minute 2.0: 20 on/10 off - 1.0% incline
Minute 2.5: 20 on/10 off - 1.5% incline
Minute 3.0: 20 on/10 off - 2.0% incline
Minute 3.5: 20 on/10 off - 2.5% incline
Minute 4.0: 20 on/10 off - 3.0% incline
Minute 4.5: 20 on/10 off - 3.5% incline
Minute 5.0: 20 on/10 off - 4.0% incline
Minute 5.5: 20 on/10 off - 4.5% incline
Minute 6.0: 20 on/10 off - 5.0% incline
Minute 6.5: 20 on/10 off - 5.5% incline
Minute 7.0: 20 on/10 off - 6.0% incline
Minute 7.5: 20 on/10 off - 6.5% incline
Minute 8.0: 20 on/10 off - 7.0% incline
Minute 8.5: 20 on/10 off - 7.5% incline
Minute 9.0: 20 on/10 off - 8.0% incline
Minute 9.5: 20 on/10 off - 8.5% incline
Minute 10.0: 20 on/10 off - 9.0% incline
Minute 10.5: 20 on/10 off - 9.5% incline
Minute 11.0: 20 on/10 off - 10.0% incline
Minute 11.5: 20 on/10 off - 10.5% incline
Minute 12.0: 20 on/10 off - 11.0% incline
Minute 12.5: 20 on/10 off - 11.5% incline
Minute 13.0: 20 on/10 off - 12.0% incline
Minute 13.5: 20 on/10 off - 11.5% incline
Minute 14.0: 20 on/10 off - 11.0% incline
Minute 14.5: 20 on/10 off - 10.5% incline
Minute 15.0: 20 on/10 off - 10.0% incline
Minute 15.5: 20 on/10 off - 9.5% incline
Minute 16.0: 20 on/10 off - 9.0% incline
Minute 16.5: 20 on/10 off - 8.5% incline
Minute 17.0: 20 on/10 off - 8.0% incline
Minute 17.5: 20 on/10 off - 7.5% incline
Minute 18.0: 20 on/10 off - 7.0% incline
Minute 18.5: 20 on/10 off - 6.5% incline
Minute 19.0: 20 on/10 off - 6.0% incline
Minute 19.5: 20 on/10 off - 5.5% incline
Minute 20.0: 20 on/10 off - 5.0% incline
Minute 20.5: 20 on/10 off - 4.5% incline
Minute 21.0: 20 on/10 off - 4.0% incline
Minute 21.5: 20 on/10 off - 3.5% incline
Minute 22.0: 20 on/10 off - 3.5% incline
Minute 22.5: 20 on/10 off - 3.0% incline
Minute 23.0: 20 on/10 off - 2.5% incline
Minute 23.5: 20 on/10 off - 2.0% incline
Minute 24.0: 20 on/10 off - 1.5% incline
Minute 24.5: 20 on/10 off - 1.0% incline
Minute 25.0: 20 on/10 off - 0.5% incline
Minute 25.5: 20 on/10 off - 0.0% incline
Minute 26.0: 20 on/10 off - 0.5% incline
Minute 26.5: 20 on/10 off - 1.0% incline
Minute 27.0: 20 on/10 off - 1.5% incline
Minute 27.5: 20 on/10 off - 2.0% incline
Minute 28.0: 20 on/10 off - 2.5% incline
Minute 28.5: 20 on/10 off - 3.0% incline
Minute 29.0: 20 on/10 off - 3.5% incline
Minute 29.5: 20 on/10 off - 4.0% incline
Minute 30.0: 20 on/10 off - 5.5% incline

Two minute cool down - 0.0 incline

Monday, July 20, 2009

Five of the Best Burgers You Can Order

Who doesn't love a burger every now and then? I prefer to grill my own (I like to eat only 93-96% lean ground beef). Sometimes, however, I'm hungry, in my car, and crave a freakin' burger...

Then what?

Have no fear—as featured on Eat This, Not That, there are a few fast food options available when you really just "gotta have it."

Burger King Whopper Jr. w/o mayo

370 calories
21 g fat (6 g saturated)
570 mg sodium

DQ Original Burger
350 calories
14 g fat (7 g saturated)
680 mg sodium

In-N-Out Protein-Style Protein-Style Cheeseburger
330 calories
25 g fat (9 g saturated)
720 mg sodium

McDonald's Quarter Pounder
410 calories
19 g fat (7 g saturated)
730 mg sodium

Wendy's Quarter-Pound Single
430 calories
20 g fat (7 g saturated)
870 mg sodium

Saturday, July 11, 2009

12 Power Foods

Men's Health magazine—and this post isn't for men only—often features their A.B.S.D.I.E.T.P.O.W.E.R 12. Each letter signifies a power food, beginning with the letter "A" for almonds. These are foods to eat often to build muscle, reduce disease, and increase your years on Earth.

Click on the almonds below to go to the site, make a list, and then head to the grocery store—the power is yours!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Stay Anabolic With... Chocolate Milk?

According to research that I've found in both print and on the Internet, chocolate milk does double duty when it comes to post-workout recovery. It rehydrates your body better than sports drinks or even water. In addition, it repairs muscles—which then causes them to grow bigger and stronger—40 percent faster than plain milk.

The simple sugars, which quickly transport the protein to the muscles and cut down on the catabolic Cortisol hormone, are obviously the nutrient factors working here.

So, who says you can't slam chocolate milk while working on your six pack? It's been recommended that Organic Valley Chocolate Lowfat Milk is one of the better brands on the market. This is because they use real sweeteners and not crap like High Fructose Corn Syrup which flavors most national brands of chocolate milk.

So, drink up to build up!

Nutrients (approximate):

Organic Valley Chocolate Lowfat Milk
(1 cup)
160 calories
2.5 g fat (1.5 g sat)
9 g protein
27 g carbs

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Banana Nut Hemp Shake

After an intense run, I needed to make a post-workout shake. Low on supplies and needing to go grocery shopping, I started throwing ingredients into the blender from what I could rummage in the kitchen...

The final results were this sweet, nutty concoction that’s sure to please—and fill you up. High fiber and high protein all the way, baby!

In a blender add:
1 tbsp (14g) – peanut butter (use organic unsweetened if possible)
2 tbsp (28g) – hemp protein powder (I prefer Nature's Way EFAGold®)
2 cups (480ml) – unsweetened almond milk
5-10 drops – liquid stevia
1 frozen banana (important to use frozen bananas for froth; I keep a half dozen ready)
1 scoop – vanilla whey powder (one cup [240ml] egg whites can also be used)

Blend for 30–60 seconds and serve.

Total prep time: 3 minutes

Nutrients (approximate):
Protein: 29g
Fiber: 18g
Fat: 14g (polyunsaturated)
Sugar: 22g
Calories: 480